Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Small Victories

One of the things I love about teaching spin is that it gives me an outlet to shamelessly brag about my weekends, every week. My regulars have started asking how my races have gone, which makes me feel special.

Today though, I started a new thing that I hope to make a habit in my own classes (I subbed my 5th class in 3 days at lunch). I went around the room and asked everyone what their recent victories were. I got everything from "I did laundry" to "I ran 7 miles just because".

I feel like it really started the class off in a positive way, and it even gave folks something to bond over - one woman was brand new to the class and ended up chatting with the woman next to her because of her victory. I love love love seeing folks bond in my classes. That's the reason we do group ex, right? To work out WITH people, not just next to them.

Last night was super fun too. We kind of had a dance party during one of the recovery songs. Good times.

On a related note, please waste 2 minutes of your life on this:

You won't regret it, I promise. I first saw it like 3 years ago and it still cracks me up.

I taught 3 classes yesterday, starting with bootcamp at 530 AM. I forgot how much I love teaching stuff off bike's a lot harder since you can't fake it like on a bike, but it's super fun since there's just a lot more options. I found out that if I want to keep teaching anything other than spin at this gym, I need to get certified, either in group ex or as a personal trainer. I'm thinking personal trainer, but I need to save up the $$ first. I definitely wish I'd just bitten the bullet and gotten my cert 2 years ago. Oh well. I'm thinking I'll take the exam over Christmas break so I can maybe start in January. We'll see.


What's YOUR victory, big or small?

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